Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Short Update


My husband and I have started to get back on track with food.  We really struggle with food since we have developed a habit of rewarding ourselves with heavy high-calorie treats.  Josh craves things like pizza, carrot cake, and buffalo chicken dip with chips.  I crave things like thick hamburgers with all the fixings, bagels/donuts/muffins, and frothy-sugary coffee drinks. 

Who hasn't done this?  We tell ourselves, I did awesome this week.  I deserve the chicken alfredo with breadsticks at Olive Garden...oh and that tiramisu dessert (2140 calories BTW...which is about 550 calories more than my DAILY budget).  What we are really doing is sabotaging our goals.

To combat this, I'm trying a substitution method.  I love hamburgers with all the fixings.  Instead, I made zucchini turkey burgers w/ swiss cheese, topped with mushrooms, tomatoes, lettuce, and wickless.  I use those thin multigrain sandwich "buns" or a multigrain pita pocket.  And instead of eating two of them (yeah, I know...disgusting), I eat one, partnering it with a big salad.

My vegetarian version of this is to make stuffed mushrooms.  I sauté red and Serrano peppers with garlic, salt, pepper, and 2Tbsps EVOO.  When they are just starting to get soft, I put them on top of big portabella mushroom caps and cook in the oven for about 20 min on 350.  I pull them out of the oven and sprinkle a little mozzarella on top.  Put them back in the oven for about 2 minutes or until the cheese is melted.  I then top it off with homemade pesto.  My hubby loves these.  I will sometimes put some quinoa in there too for some added protein.

It's still a struggle with a family since our kids wont touch a vegetable with a 10 foot pole and I don't enjoy cooking all that much.  But we are finding ways to make it happen.  Cooking small portions for hot meals.  Making large batches of bean or quinoa salads to snack off of.  Keeping a lot of fresh fruit in the house.  Switching from ice cream to frozen yogurt for the kids.  From frozen yogurt to key lime flavored Greek yogurt for me (yummy...Oikos makes it).


I'll keep this short.  Just saying that I got back to the gym today.  I'm going to go ahead and use Jamie Eason's LiveFit program again.  I did well on it last time and I loved how my body was starting to reshape.  Plus...I can get in and out of the gym in 45 minutes if I keep my rests down.  I plan to run at a different time.  I loved bootcamp but I just don't think it will fit into my schedule. 

Make it work People!