Sunday, March 10, 2013

Fitness Dates

Healthy Hearts Beat as One

My husband, Josh, and I decided this week, while trying to figure out what kind of a date night we were going to have this weekend, to do a fitness date.  While there was a movie I wanted to see...I was worried I wouldn't be able to resist the buttery popcorn and soda that usually accompanies the movie.  I suggested a fitness date would be a good idea.  Here are the top five reason why this was a stroke of brilliance!

1) Explore the Great Outdoors
We live in Florida, the Sunshine State.  While most of North America is still experiencing severely cold or snowy weather in early's starting to feel like spring here.  In our county, we have the Pinellas Trail.  It is a linear trail park that starts in St. St. Petersburg, cuts across the county along Tyrone Blvd, and then goes north all the way to Tarpon Springs.  Some sections are more scenic than others.  We started at Seminole Blvd and walked to Tryone Square Mall (4.36 miles) and then headed back. 
We walked by Blossom Lake Park, passed the St. Petersburg/Madeira Beach KOA, and across Cross Bayou.  It was very pleasant with 3 overpasses.

2) Time to Talk
Couples face a lot of obstacles to remain intimate.  Most couples have careers that keep them apart from 8 - 16 hours a day.  By looking at your family schedule and figuring out when you can etch out some time to workout together, you'll be giving yourself the gift of connection.  Josh and I were able to talk about some of the separate activities we have
done that week.  I told him about a lesson plan I was struggling to plan out for an observation.  He told me about his experiences volunteering at the Specia
Olympics and how his classroom observations were going.  We talked about our daughters and our bucket list for summer traveling.  It's not that we wouldn't talk about these things if we didn't walk together but this was such a pleasant way to do it!

3) Collaborative Goal Setting
Setting goals while you are trying to loose weight or get more fit is really important.  See my previous post about goal setting. Josh and I have separate goals.  He has more weight to loose than I do.  I have some personal
achievements that I am working on.  I want to be able to run a 1/2 marathon and eventually a triathlon.  But our training goals are common, run/walk 3 - 5 times a week.  I am also trying to build some muscle. Because we are both aware of each other's goal there is a high level of
motivation, support, and accountability. According to Jari Love, a fitness  instructor, 94% of couples stick with their fitness plan when they work out together.

4) Time to tease
When you exercise, your body produces chemicals that evoke feelings of happiness, reduces stress, and increases libido.  If you are exercising with your partner, you are both producing
those hormones at the same time.  There is a certain amount of playful flirting that occurs while exercising with your spouse.  Whether it's a saucy smile as you bend to lift a free weight, a pat on the bottom as your running side by side, or some playful nudging was you pass each other on the all can add up to a very flirtatious encounter.  Want more evidence that sweaty workouts with your partner are worth it?  There are a number of
scientific studies that support the idea that exercising = more love making!

5) Cheap!
We spent a grand total of $20 on our 3.5 hour date.  Our usual date night is about $50 for dinner (a huge calorie surplus), and $20 for movie tickets (if it isn't an IMAX or 3D (movie), plus another $15-20 for snacks at the theater (another calorie surplus there). 

So...where are you going on your next date?

Here are some ideas to get you started:
  • Picnic Hike
  • Beach Fun: play some volleyball, jog along the shore, paddle boarding, etc.
  • Row, row, row you boat: rent a kayak or canoe
  • Just Dance!  Whether you use the Xbox Just Dance game for the kinect, go out for some salsa dancing, take a class, or hit your gym for Zumba...dancing is a steamy way to exercise with your partner.
  • Yoga or Hot Yoga
  • Bike ride
  • Join a recreation team league.  Most communities have adult rec leagues. 

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