Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Summertime Slug

Becoming a Slug...

This summer was rough.  I live on the west coast of Florida.  It's friggan hot here from April - October but scorching from June - August.  It makes running a real chore at times.  Beyond that I got into an emotional block about exercise.  I started to feel resentful towards the time and effort it took to maintain my weight and it was taking forever to get to my goal weight. 

I know I'm not alone.  Many people start an exercise program or routine fired up.  Then you get set in a routine and some the following issues and excuses pop up. 

10. Image

<-- This picture pokes fun but I think some would switch the captions for these.  The remedy for this one is just saying "fuck it".  Prioritize.  Is your health more important than what you look like while getting fit? 





9. Gym costs

While a gym and access to trainers can be helpful there are so many free resources out there to help keep your fitness goals at the top of your priority list.  Check out some of the body weight apps and
websites out there to learn how you don't really need equipment to meet your weight and fitness goals.

8. No Time

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics suggests 2.5 hours a week of moderate intensity exercise to maintain your weight.  Increase the intensity for weight loss.  This translates to about 20 minutes a day.  150 minutes a week can be divided in any way you want!  When I was doing LiveFit by Jamie Eason, I was lifting five to six days a week and running three to four times a week.  This was an unrealistic schedule for me during the school year.  Ultimately, you have to look at your schedule and decide what will work best for you.  Some people run super early in the morning, others do classes in the afternoons.  There is no RIGHT way to organize your time.



7. "I am not amused."

Some may argue that exercise shouldn't be fun.  It should be work.  But let's face facts.  The human race likes to have fun!  I recently started a boot camp program at my local YMCA.  I wouldn't call it fun but my body isn't bored.  Often when exercising starts to feel boring ....something we just have to get through...that's when we fall off the wagon.  As soon as you start to feel like you are just going through the motions, try something new.  Take a spin class.  Kickboxing. Zumba. Boot Camp.  Crossfit.  Get uncomfortable and don't let #10 stop you.

6. Can't see the results

This is probably my personal #1 reason I fall off my goals.  They say it can take 2-3 months to see results.  I am an impatient person.  This seems like a very long time to me.  Something I am trying is keep records.  I record my weight weekly using my Wii Fitness game.  Once a month I take my measurements.  I log what I eat on Lose It! When you keep data, you can start to see trends. Most of my issues with lack of results stems from my diet.  Re-evaluating is an important part of seeing results. 


 5. Pain

Pain is a part of training.  I have runner's knee, which is irritation of the cartilage on the underside of the patella.  Because of this I need to take my rest days and strengthen my upper leg muscles to lower risk of severe pain. However, if you are working hard and doing any kind of strength training there will be sore muscles.  Our bodies are amazing and do recover.  I have found that after a day of rest, my body feels better if I continue my program.  If you have a real injury, seek medical attention immediately and listen to your doctor and get informed about your treatment.



4. Too much too soon

I am so guilty of this one.  Who hasn't started a new program all fired up and then you just taper off because a) you can't maintain that level of intensity and b) you risk injury. Start small.  Take a 20 minute walk everyday.  Work up to 30 minutes 5 times a week.  Then 45 minutes 3 times a week.   When you are ready, add in strength training a few times a week.  I liked the Gorilla app I reviewed a while back because it starts off simple with short body weight work outs and then gets increasingly more challenging as you gain strength. 

3. Lack of plan

Having a plan is all about goal setting.  What are you trying to achieve?  I am still developing my personal goals.  I found this blog written by a trainer in Quebec, Canada and his training website.  I like some of the articles and advice he has.  Read his 5 Components of Physical Fitness.  I felt it was comprehensive and easy to understand.  It give a balanced view of how those 5 components
I like these reflective questions
are connected implying that a well-rounded fitness plan is crucial to overall fitness.



2. Unrealistic goals

If you set a goal of wanting to run a half marathon, starting your training a month before hand is going to set you up for failure.  However, if you run regularly and slowly increase your pace and distance over time...you will surely meet your goal.  Having a clear plan and goals will keep you from becoming victim to this pitfall.



1. Loss of motivation

Now this one...this one is the devil!  Who hasn't lost their motivation after a while into a routine.  Again, goal setting can help a lot with this one.  I have found that isn't enough for me.  I need help.  I reach out to friends and family often to help keep me motivated.  I post successes and challenges on Facebook.  I keep this blog.  I invite people to walk or run with me.  When you feel like you are a part of a group, there is a certain level of accountability.  Just like with my students, having high expectations and raising the bar for yourself; you can and will meet those goals.

Back in the Saddle...

I wrote this post to help me get my mojo back.  I am starting my second week at boot camp. It really kicks my butt.  I am doing things I have only seen on Biggest Loser!  I keep telling myself that if those super unhealthy obsess people lived through beatings like this x10...I can hack it one hour three times a week! 

My new goals:
1) attend boot camp 3 times a week for four weeks
2) take a jog or walk on my non-boot camp days
3) incorporate vegan meals once a day

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