Thursday, September 13, 2012

Phase 3

I have now made it to the third and final phase of the Livefit program.  The past eight weeks have been all about building a solid foundation of muscle on which this phase will depend!  Finally...we are going to deal with the FAT!!!  Jamie Eason's program advises that its difficult to maintain muscle growth while creating the type of caloric deficit needed to burn fat.  Her recommendation?  HIIT!

HIIT stands for high intensity interval training.  I'll be combining HIIT with plyometrics, supersets, and active rests to keep my heart rate up, burn the fat, and maintain (maybe even grow) my muscle definition.

Remember a few posts ago when I mentioned talking myself through a set?  That was nothing.  While performing these...

Smith Single-Leg Split Squat
Yeah...that's right...he's on one leg!
I was groaning, blowing out hard during a muscle contractions, counting out, and counting down.  I got some very strange looks.  I had to remind myself of my new mantra, "Get fit like no one's watching".  What did I care?  Could they do what I was doing?  They were probably just checking out my awesome new butt, amazing biceps, and kick-butt calves!

I wish I had someone take a pic of me during this workout.  I was focused.  I was pumped.  I was DRENCHED!  I have never been so sweaty in all my life.  I am notorious for running errands right after the gym since I'm out anyway.  I'm usually not sweaty enough to care about being around other people.  No way was that going to fly today!   Here's a pretty close mental picture --->

All in all, it was an amazing workout.  I am exhausted.  My quads and calves are screaming.  Tomorrow will be rough.  Thankfully it's a training day for teachers so I will be sedentary...although that might not be a good thing.  I've noticed that I'm not as sore when I keep my body moving and stretch in the morning or right before bed.

Weight/Measurement Check

July 8
August 10
September 11
40 inches
39 inches
38 inches
37 inches
36 inches
33 inches
41 inches
41 inches
39 inches
43 inches
42 inches
40.5 inches
R: 12 in   L: 11.5 in
R:  11.25in    L: 11.75in
R: 11.50in    L: 11.5 in
R: 21 in   L: 22.25 in
R: 23 in          L: 23.25in
R: 22in          L: 21.5 in
R: 14.5 in  L: 14.25 in
R: 14 in          L: 13.5 in
R: 14in           L: 14 in

Total Weight Loss so far: 13.7
Total Bust Lost: 2 in
Total Waist Lost: 4 in
Total Hips Lost: 2 in
Total Butt Lost: 2.5 in

Biceps, thighs, and calves fluctuate and there may be some error in measurement placement. 

The Pics...duh duh duh

July 8
July 8

Aug 10
Aug 10

Sept 11
Sept 11

I am extremely pleased and motivated by these results.  I feel strong and confident.  My clothes are getting a lot bigger on me and I'm pulling things out of the clothes that I had given up on years ago.

My goals now include kicking it full tilt in the gym and improving my eating habits.  They are 100% better than they once were but I still struggle with eating on time and preparing my meals ahead of time. 

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