Saturday, December 29, 2012

Inuries Abound

Several things have happened since September's post. started.  I am a teacher.  I have found it very difficult to maintain my level of training.  Mostly due to my daughter's after school activities.  I need to reprioritize.  Second...I had several injuries.

During the third day of phase three, I was trying to discover what weight I could fail on.  Well, my shoulder began to hurt.  Not just muscle soreness but in the joint.  I stopped immediately to rest it.  I still did legs that week and cardio but my right shoulder was in severe pain.  I iced it.  I applied heat. I took ibprofen.  Eventually I called the doctor.  It ended up being bursitus.

WebMD: "Bursitis is the inflammation or irritation of the bursa. The bursa is a sac filled with lubricating fluid, located between tissues such as bone, muscle, tendons, and skin, that decreases rubbing, friction, and irritation."

The way to treat it is rest, ice, and anti-inflammatories.  It took a month of rest before my shoulder felt normal again.  Around that time, it was Thanksgiving break.  My brother invited us to come to North Carolina to his in-laws lake house.  We had an amazing time but I fell down the stairs and injured my other shoulder!, rest, and anti-inflammatories.  No gym.

I have gained much of the weight back.  I have been feeling sluggish, fatigued, and mentally slower than I did during the summer.  I hate feeling this way. 

First 5K! Could I be a runner?

Strides for Education 5K Walk - RunOn December 8, I ran my first 5K!  I hadn't been training.  My shoes were worn down.  But I beleived in the cause and helped to raise money for my school team.  I ran with three kindergarten teachers.  All of them run regularly.  I thought, I was in really good shape.  My muscles wont fail me.  WRONG!  I alternated walking and running.  I tried to walk half a mile and run half a mile.  I lagged behind my team but at some point while I was running, I realized that had I went back to training when I was well or gotten into the pool, I wouldn't be struggling this badly now.  I finished in under and hour and was very proud of that.  I could barely walk the next day I was so sore.  I knew then that I would have to get back to what I know was working for me before my injuries.

This is from the Fit2Run website.
I am determined to return to my training.  For Christmas, Josh took me to Fit2Run.  It's a shoe store specifically for runners.  They digitize your foot print to discover where you are placing all your pressure.  They measure your foot and video record you running on a treadmill to assess what kind of shoe you need.  We discovered that I overpronate (especially on my right foot), which would account for the knee pain I experience after running.  The saleswoman recommend a shoe with a post in it and orthepedic inserts for my collapsing arches.  We tried many pairs on.  She jogged behind me to assess my gait and give me pionters on how to fix it.  It was a great (and expensive) trip.  I left with shoes, inserts, and compression socks.

Saucony  Women's Hurricane 14
This is the shoe I ended up getting.  LOVE them!
The next day, I was back to Phase 1, Day 1 of Jamie Eason's program.  I thought about trying somthing new but I had such good results the first time.  It was my own fault I didn't complete it.  Hopefully this time I will be able to.  I learned my lesson.  Keep the weights challenging but it's not worth it to push so hard I cause an injury.  So, wish me luck. 

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