Sunday, August 19, 2012

Phase Two!

Great Changes!

I've been doing the LiveFit program for five weeks.  Somehow I managed to stay away from the scale for four whole weeks.  It was hard at first since it was a habit I had formed but now I just schedule it on the calendar and don't think about it until it's time. 

Just so we can be clear on the growth here.  At my first weigh in and measurement take...

July 8:
Weigh: 168.2
Sorry the ones on the left are five year old took them :o)
bust: 40 in
waist: 37 in
hips: 41 in
butt: 43 in
biceps: 12 in (R), 11 1/2 (L)
thighs: 21 in (R), 22 1/4 (L)
calves: 14 1/2 in (R), 14 1/4 in (L)

Remember there was a week and a half hiatus with lots of resteraunt food....I wonder how much more dramatic my results would have been without that break.

August 10:
Weight: 162lbs
bust: 39 in.
waist: 36 in.
hips: 41 in.
butt: 42 in.
biceps: 11 1/4 in (R), 11 3/4 in (L)
thighs: 23 in (R), 23 1/4 in (L)
calves: 14 in (R), 13 1/2 in (L)

The changes =

Weight...down 6.2 pounds
Bust....down one inch
Waist...down one inch change
Butt...down one inch

My biceps and calves both went down a little, my thighs went up.  This may be a measurement error since I am measuring myself but I am okay with these parts changing to be more shapely! 


The easy part of LiveFit are the workouts.  I print them out each day, I head to the gym around the same time each day (kids in tow), and push hard while I am there.  I love the time alone.  I put on my music and tune the world out.  For one hour each day, I am completely focused on doing my personal best physically.  And seeing the types of changes I have been keeps me motivated.

The most challenging is the food.  The food is delicious but I it takes a lot more prep time than I had anticipated.  I haven't stuck to my meal plan each week.  My hubby is doing a juice fast right now though, so I will be able to only focus on me and not worry about whether or not anyone else will eat the meal because I know I will.  I offer my dinners to my daughters and they often will try a bite or two but often wont eat it. 

The Meals

This morning I made this Strawberry Banana Protein bread for breakfasts for the next few days.  It's cooling right now but I'll let everyone know how it is in the next post. 

3-Bean Turkey ChiliI made this 3 Bean Turkey Chili last night. It makes 10 servings so it will be my dinner all week long.  My 15 year old neice liked it enough to have two helpings last night.

For lunches I will have a big salad with baked chicken on top and a half a sweet potatoe. 

My mid-am meal is always a Chobani greek yogurt.  I prefer the apple/cinnamon or peach flavors.  My mid-pm meal is always a protein shake.  My recipe is 1 cup Almond Milk (unsweetened vanilla is my favorite), four frozen strawberries, 1/2 a frozen banana, and 8-10 frozen peach slices, 1 scoop vanilla protein powder. 

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