Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Let's get honest you can tell, I am way off the wagon here.  I started to go to the gym and then I let my overbooked schedule rule my life and be an excuse for why I eat on the run and avoid the gym.

Christmas 2011
I do want to take a moment and focus on my husband.  Josh is an amazing human being.  Sometimes I can't believe that someone so smart, funny, and resourceful picked me for his life partner and mother of his children.  I am the epitome of disorganization, procrastination, and I can't tell a joke right to save my life.  Josh is a big guy.  I would be lying if I said I haven't been concerned over his health.  In the last year, though, Josh has taken many steps to getting his weight and metabolic syndrome in check. 

He did a juice detox a while back that completely changed the way he thinks about food.  As a result, we are trying to keep a 90% vegetarian diet for pure nutritional reasons.  He has learned a number of very tasty recipes.  Finally, he is adding in exercise.  He got the Fitocracy app to give his fitness efforts a gaming feel and tracks his calories using Lose It!. 

I am so proud of how focused and dedicated he is.  Josh is very supportive of my own fitness goals and is very encouraging.  It's not his fault that I am a cranky mess!  LOL! 

He is my inspiration to find that motivation and press on.  I think I'm going to have to start letting some things go so that I can put my health and fitness first.  Maybe if I do that, my kids will see that Josh and I think it is a priority.  I want them to choose to live healthy lives as they get older too.

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