Friday, January 18, 2013

A Full Week Back


This is the first full week of weightlifting and cardio since this past summer.  I feel amazing!  I kept my weight for arms and shoulders just slightly under what I know I am capable of lifting.  I do not want to flare up my bursitis.  I am focusing on developing solid form when I run. 

What is super amazing though is the 100% support I am getting from my husband.  We have been switching off childcare when the time we can workout doesn't line up with the gym's kid zone areas.  Watching the girls when I go beach running.  He even broght me the Kinect game Just Dance so I could fit in cardio on the nights where we have a lot of running to do and I can't get to the gym and it's too late to run outside. 

It has been so rewarding to see Josh changing before my eyes.  He is setting really obtainable goals for himself and he has saught out technology to assist him in being successful.  He uses the Zombie Run and Fitocracy apps alongside LoseIt! 

Here is my workout this week!

Jamie Eason: barbell squats

Sunday: Ran on the beach; 30min; 1min walk/1min run
Monday: Weight Lifting 35min; Elliptical 30min
  • Dumbell Press 15lbs 3x10
  • Lat Pull Down 40lbs 3x10
  • Overhead press 35lbs 3x10
  • Cable row 40lbs 3x10
  • Squat to shoulder press 10lbs 3x10
  • Alternating bicep curl 10lbs 3x10
  • Overnead tricep pushup 10lbs 3x10
  • cable bicep curl 20lbs 3x10
  • Cable tricep pushdown 30lbs 3x10
  • Cable fly 15lbs 3x10

Tuesday: Weight Lifting 40 min; abs 25mins; Stationary Bike 30mins
  • Leg Press 110lbs 3x10
  • Alternate lunges 10lbs 3x10
  • Hip abductor 40lbs 3x10
  • Hip adductor 40lbs 3x10
  • Barbell squats bar+20lbs 3x10
  • Standing calf raises 25lbs 3x10
  • Seated calk raises 25lbs 3x10
  • Back extensions 3x30 (front & sides)
  • Vertical scissor kicks 3x10
  • Horizontal scissor kicks 3x10
  • Yoga ball crunches 3x15

Overhead cable curl

Wednesday: Aerobic Dancing 30 min

Thursday: Aerobic Dancing 30 min; Weight Lifting 40 mins
  • Barbell curl 18lbs 3x10
  • Superset: Overhead cable curl 15lbs & Cable hammer curls 15lbs 3x10
  • Alternate hammer curl 12.5lbs 3x10
  • Bench dips 3x10
  • Skullcrushers 15lbs 3x10
  • Seated tricep press 10lbs 3x10
  • Tricep push down (rope) 30lbs 3x10
  • Airbike 3x25
  • Yoga ball crunches 2x15
Friday: Weight Lifting 30 min; Ran on the treadmill 26:23 min 1min walk/1min run
  • Smith military press 35lbs 3x10
  • Superset: Upright dumbell rows 7.5lbs 3x10 & Standing dumbell military press 7.5lbs 3x10
  • Incline bench front dumbell delt raises 5lbs 3x10
  • Lateral raises 5lbs 3x10
  • Rear delt raises 3lbs 3x10


I am not yet back 100% to where I was this past summer with my food.  During the school year, cooking dinner takes a backseat to all the other things we hav to get done.  So for now, I am counting calories using the LoseIt App and just trying to build in good choices as I am counting. 

For example, we were at the mall today.  The mall we were at is the only one around here that has Sbarro.  I wanted spaghetti with meatballs and garlic bread more than I can say!  BUT I knew that means very few calories for the rest of the day even if I worked out.  Instead, I chose their skinny pizza. A super thin pizza with light tomato sauce and mozzeralla with onion, green and red pepers.  270 calories a slice.  I pair it with a salad and diet coke.  Small choices like that over time will hopefully equal better habits. 

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