Tuesday, July 10, 2012

You're gonna do bodybuilding...what?!

I know it sounds crazy right?  Why would I, a 30 year old mom of two, turn to body building?  What's your mental image here?  Is it this?


Yeah, that was my mental picture too.  Yuck right?  I do not want to look like a dude.  So I started reading a lot about what body building could be for a girl like me.  And I found these types of images to replace my old nasty ones.


I found Jamie Eason's LiveFit 12 week program.  I decided it would be a great fit.  I spent most of a day reading everything I could on her website and cross referencing some of facts and fitness information.  I'm still researching some of the supplements but I decided to go forward and start eating clean and lifting weights.

Before I went to the gym, I was really worried about hanging out in the free weight area of the gym.  I work out at my local YMCA.  There are lots of different kinds of people but I have noticed men like to congregate around the weights to spot each other.  They do a lot of joking and talking...not that much lifting...well, except for the younger guys who keep their headphones in and plow through their workouts.  Hey!  Can you blame me for observing?  Have you see their arms!?! 


Okay...that was a distracting 20 minute journey.

I was really worried before I started my workouts. Would people be watching me? I was guilty of watching other people while they work out. Don't start thinking I'm some kind of fitness stalker while at the gym! I'm just curious to see what other people choose to do. There is this super fit chick at the Y who does lunges across the room with a 50 lbs weight over her head. I watched and told myself...someday I will be able to do that.

So, I've decided to Get Fit Like No One Is Watching.  Of course, I decided to blog about it so everyone will be watching.  Ironic, right?  The point is, I've decided not to care.  I just want to be healthy and strong.  I want to give my life the best shot I can.  I want to encourage my children to be healthy.  My oldest has noticed my efforts and only drinks water between meals.  She asks to go bike riding or swimming so we can get healthy.

 Before I started day one, I purged my kitchen of processed foods and anything that had high fructose corn syrup. I picked 5-6 of Jamie's recipes to try and went shopping. That was a grossly expensive grocery trip. Not only was I restocking, I was buying mostly fresh fruits and veggies in bulk. The price tag certainly made my hubby cringe. I reminded him, however, that we would no longer be eating out. The $200-300 a week we were spending on buying breakfast, lunches, and dinners out was going towards food that would fuel our bodies instead of making them wider, slower, and sicker.

Here is where I'm at though:

Phase 1; Week 1: (click the links to see the exercise and food intake)

Day 1: Check and Triceps
  • This was challenging.  Previously, I would do weights but keep the weight low and reps high to tone.  I was really worried about becoming bulky.
  • Now I know that I am building lean muscle to make me strong.  Bulky female bodybuilders take testosterone and steroids to get unnaturally large.
Day 2: Back and Biceps
  • I did not think I would make it through this one.  I was pretty sore from the previous day.  I continually second guessed not resting between weight days but am choosing to trust the system.  I know I get three days rest at the end of the week.
Day 3: Legs
  • I have always felt the most confident doing leg exercises.  I have...let's call them substantial...legs and hips.  I can lifted 105lbs on the leg press but could only handle the bar + 20 for the wide stance squats.
  • I added hip abductor and adductor to this work out. 
Day 4: Shoulders and Abs
  • This is today.  My upper body is still pretty sore after Day 1 and 2.  I have done the steam room, hot tub, massage, alternated cold and heat to get relief, not to mention a ton of different stretches to keep limber.  I'm not so sore I feel I can't do the workout.  It's a productive kind of sore.  I'll let you all know how it goes.
Day 5-7: Rest

The hardest part of this week has been the absence of cardio.  For the first four weeks of the program there is NO CARDIO!  I was shocked and a little miffed.  Seriously?!  You want to take away my elliptical...my stationary bike....my treadmill?!  I've been using the Easy 5K with Jeff Galloway app on my phone to build my running endurance.  I'm 3 weeks in?!  What the heck!? 

Deep breath.  Can you tell I'm attached to my cardio?  I still sneak it in.  10 minute warm up on the Elliptical.  I'm planning to do a run on days 5 and 7.  I keep it at a light jog while my 5 year old daughter rides her bike alongside me.  It's good to be outdoors with her.

On last thing...these are my before pictures and measurements.  Accountability is a big deal for me.

Front: It's super ewwww!
Side: Double ewww
 My five year old took these with my phone...sorry they are crappy. 

Measurements (in):
Bust: 40
Waist: 37
Hips: 41
Biceps: L: 11 1/2  R: 12
Thigh:  L: 22 1/4  R: 21
Butt: 43
Calves: L: 14 1/4  R: 14 1/2

***Disclaimer:  I am not a dietitian or personal trainer.  I am following someonelse's program and writing about my personal journey.  If you are going to start a new health routine, consult your doctor.***


  1. Nice blog, but you do not look ew... if you look ew.. that makes me like triple ew and I'm not comfortable with triple ew.

  2. I'm not comfortable with my personal ew either...so I'm chosing to change it.

  3. I like your new blog Heidi, and proud of your journey. I have been "body building" since 9th grade, and as you know I've never been bulky. Muscles can be very beautiful!
