Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Pilates = Birthing Positions 101?

Until this morning, I had never attended a Pilates class.  I tend to think in pictures.  This was my mental picture of Pilates…
Got this picture of this website

These women are extremely fit and they use those slider apparatus thingies that look like torture devices from the medieval times.  I think those things look terrifying!  I was freaked out that I was going to have to do something I was physically incapable doing.   Deep breath.  I reminded myself that I was Getting Fit like No One is Watching.

I’ve been attending my sister-in-laws gym in the mornings with her this week.  We decided to give it a whirl.  I’ll admit I was a little nervous about what I would look like doing God only knows what kind of exercises.  I have almost no flexibility so I know my range of motion would be limited.

I realize now that my mental image should be reserved for advanced Pilates loyalists.  Here’s my new mental image…

Here’s what I loved about it:
1.     Atmosphere: The instructor kept the lights dim. The music was very new age and relaxing.  I found myself relaxed afterwards even though I had worked my butt off.
2.     Breathing: The focus on when you should inhale and exhale allowed me to actually contract and release my muscles as needed.  I found it easier to make it through a whole exercises when focused on my breathing versus thinking about how awkwardly I had to hold my legs or feet.
3.     Flexibility of movement: Although I know I don’t have much flexibility, I see the benefits of exercising your body this way to strengthen the core and gain more flexibility.
Here’s what I didn’t like about it:
1.     No mat:  I don’t own a yoga mat so I was doing the exercises on a towel on a wood floor…my poor tailbone!  Anytime we did an exercises were we were balancing on our bottoms, I was in a lot of pain and couldn’t really focus on the exercises.  If you plan to start taking a Pilates class, invest in a mat.
2.     Low calorie burn: I don’t think I burned as many calories in this workout as I do other classes so I would do this on top of my regular exercises routine…unless you take it to another level with those torture devices.
I’m brand new to think and I do believe I will be trying it again.  I found myself having to keep myself from giggling several times.  Rhythmic breathing, there is a lot of grasping your legs behind your knees, contracting and releasing.  I’ll bet people who do Pilates regularly have amazing pelvic floors.
Today is Day12 on the LiveFit program.  It’s a rest day. I’m sticking close to home.  Doing some housecleaning and maybe even taking a nap! 

1 comment:

  1. I had to keep from laughing when someone farted in the room. And when I rolled down but couldn't roll back up. :)
    Overall I found it relaxing and a nice addition to a regular workout. I may look for a class in a timeframe where I can work out beforehand, and use a pilates/yoga class as my stretching/recovery day.
